MySQL - 문자열 컬럼의 여러 키워드들 예제풀이
INSERT INTO books (title, author_fname, author_lname, released_year, stock_quantity, pages) VALUES ('The Namesake', 'Jhumpa', 'Lahiri', 2003, 32, 291), ('Norse Mythology', 'Neil', 'Gaiman',2016, 43, 304), ('American Gods', 'Neil', 'Gaiman', 2001, 12, 465), ('Interpreter of Maladies', 'Jhumpa', 'Lahiri', 1996, 97, 198), ('A Hologram for the King: A Novel', 'Dave', 'Eggers', 2012, 154, 352), ('The..
MySQL - like 검색기능
INSERT INTO books (title, author_fname, author_lname, released_year, stock_quantity, pages) VALUES ('The Namesake', 'Jhumpa', 'Lahiri', 2003, 32, 291), ('Norse Mythology', 'Neil', 'Gaiman',2016, 43, 304), ('American Gods', 'Neil', 'Gaiman', 2001, 12, 465), ('Interpreter of Maladies', 'Jhumpa', 'Lahiri', 1996, 97, 198), ('A Hologram for the King: A Novel', 'Dave', 'Eggers', 2012, 154, 352), ('The..
MySQL - limit 데이터를 나눠서 가져오는 방법
INSERT INTO books (title, author_fname, author_lname, released_year, stock_quantity, pages) VALUES ('The Namesake', 'Jhumpa', 'Lahiri', 2003, 32, 291), ('Norse Mythology', 'Neil', 'Gaiman',2016, 43, 304), ('American Gods', 'Neil', 'Gaiman', 2001, 12, 465), ('Interpreter of Maladies', 'Jhumpa', 'Lahiri', 1996, 97, 198), ('A Hologram for the King: A Novel', 'Dave', 'Eggers', 2012, 154, 352), ('The..
MySQL - 정렬하기(order by) / 오름차순(asc), 내림차순(desc)
INSERT INTO books (title, author_fname, author_lname, released_year, stock_quantity, pages) VALUES ('The Namesake', 'Jhumpa', 'Lahiri', 2003, 32, 291), ('Norse Mythology', 'Neil', 'Gaiman',2016, 43, 304), ('American Gods', 'Neil', 'Gaiman', 2001, 12, 465), ('Interpreter of Maladies', 'Jhumpa', 'Lahiri', 1996, 97, 198), ('A Hologram for the King: A Novel', 'Dave', 'Eggers', 2012, 154, 352), ('The..