INSERT INTO books (title, author_fname, author_lname, released_year, stock_quantity, pages)
('The Namesake', 'Jhumpa', 'Lahiri', 2003, 32, 291),
('Norse Mythology', 'Neil', 'Gaiman',2016, 43, 304),
('American Gods', 'Neil', 'Gaiman', 2001, 12, 465),
('Interpreter of Maladies', 'Jhumpa', 'Lahiri', 1996, 97, 198),
('A Hologram for the King: A Novel', 'Dave', 'Eggers', 2012, 154, 352),
('The Circle', 'Dave', 'Eggers', 2013, 26, 504),
('The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay', 'Michael', 'Chabon', 2000, 68, 634),
('Just Kids', 'Patti', 'Smith', 2010, 55, 304),
('A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius', 'Dave', 'Eggers', 2001, 104, 437),
('Coraline', 'Neil', 'Gaiman', 2003, 100, 208),
('What We Talk About When We Talk About Love: Stories', 'Raymond', 'Carver', 1981, 23, 176),
("Where I'm Calling From: Selected Stories", 'Raymond', 'Carver', 1989, 12, 526),
('White Noise', 'Don', 'DeLillo', 1985, 49, 320),
('Cannery Row', 'John', 'Steinbeck', 1945, 95, 181),
('Oblivion: Stories', 'David', 'Foster Wallace', 2004, 172, 329),
('Consider the Lobster', 'David', 'Foster Wallace', 2005, 92, 343),
('10% Happier', 'Dan', 'Harris', 2014, 29, 256),
('fake_book', 'Freida', 'Harris', 2001, 287, 428),
('Lincoln In the Bardo', 'George', 'Saunders', 2017, 156, 375);
문자열의 길이를 구하는 함수 char_length( )
-- 책 제목의 길이를 구하시오.
select char_length(title) as title_cnt
from books;
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